Preserving Elegance: A Guide to Cleaning and Taking Care of Your Leather Sofa

Leather has always been associated with elegance in interior design. Furnishings made of this material are wonderful additions to homes and commercial spaces since they create sophisticated and trendy spaces that work well with modern, contemporary, and traditional aesthetics and décor.

Leather armchairs and sofas are not only aesthetically pleasing; they are also exceptionally versatile, durable, and long-lasting. Moreover, they exude warmth and coziness, making them the ideal living room furniture.

With their eye-catching style, incomparable versatility, and remarkable longevity, a leather couch is a worthwhile investment that can enrich your home with practicality and aesthetic charm.

Top Leather Sofa Cleaning and Maintenance Tips

Knowing how to clean and maintain your leather sofa allows you to have a piece of furniture that looks brand new all the time. You also prolong its functionality and lifespan with the right care tips and practices.

Below are the top leather sofa cleaning and maintenance tips and practices you should keep in mind to take care of this furniture investment piece:

1. Vacuum and dust your couch regularly.

Leather furniture pieces are not as porous as upholstered ones, which means they are easier to clean. Vacuuming and wiping off dust from your couch at least once a week is the best and simplest way to maintain its quality and shiny look.

Run your vacuum cleaner over your couch to get rid of crumbs and dirt. Remove leftover particles by wiping the couch with a clean, lint-free cloth.

Make sure you clean every nook and cranny of the couch. If your sofa has cushions, remove them to vacuum and wipe the undersides.

2. Spot-clean small stains and spills immediately.

Removing spills and stains from your leather sofa as quickly as possible goes a long way in maintaining its pristine condition.

Blot small spills and spots immediately with a clean, absorbent cloth, sponge, or paper towel. If you’re having trouble removing them, lightly moisten your cleaning material with lukewarm water and wipe the affected area. Let your couch dry naturally before using it again.

Make sure you wipe and air-dry your couch, even if you use only a small amount of water since moisture can weaken the leather.

3. Be selective of the cleaning products you use.

If you want to know how to clean a sofa properly and safely, take the time to choose the right products to use.

Off-the-shelf cleaning solvents, furniture polish, abrasive cleaners, and ammonia water may promise quick and effective results, but their harsh ingredients may end up damaging your sofa.

Mild soaps and detergents seem like great cleaning options, but they might damage the color of leather, especially if you use too much and rub them hard over your sofa. Moreover, they can cause the surface to dry out, become brittle, and easily damaged.

Oil soap, which has natural ingredients, can also stain and darken leather, which is why you should avoid it.

If you’re buying commercial leather cleaners and wipes, look for mild, pH-balanced products specifically formulated for leather upholstery. If you want to use a safe, homemade, and generally effective cleaning solution, combine one part vinegar and one part water.

Whether you opt for a store-bought or homemade leather sofa cleaner, test it first on a small, inconspicuous area to check if it is safe for your furniture.

4. Know how to deal with specific stains.

The longer you let stains sit on your leather couch, the harder it will be for you to remove them. As such, you have to know how to deal with them to keep your sofa looking brand-new.

Below are some tips for removing specific blotches from your leather sofa:

1. Grease and oil

Blot the stain with a towel or piece of cloth. Next, sprinkle talcum powder, baking soda, or cornstarch to absorb the remaining residues. Leave the area untouched for at least two hours then run the vacuum over it. Remove the remaining spots and particles with a clean cloth.

2. Ink stains

Dip a cotton ball or swab in rubbing alcohol to remove the stain. Use circular motions but make sure you avoid spreading the ink. Air-dry the area then apply leather conditioner to maintain the fabric’s suppleness.

3. Dark stains

If your light-colored modern sofa was on the receiving end of a dark stain, combine one part cream of tartar and one part lemon juice to make a paste. Rub this on the blotch and leave it for at least 10 minutes before applying another layer of the solution. Continue doing this until the blemish disappears. Use a lightly damp sponge to remove residues.

4. Water stains

To remove water stains, moisten a soft, clean cloth and gently rub them off. Use another clean cloth to dry the area and air-dry it as well. Avoid using artificial heat since it may damage your sofa.

Whether you're using alcohol or a homemade or commercial cleaning solution, test it on a hidden part of your couch first to ensure it won't damage the fabric.

5. Use a leather conditioner.

Applying leather conditioner every 6 to 12 months ensures your couch keeps its appealing look and gets additional protection from spills and stains.

If you’re shopping for a leather conditioner, choose a gentle one with little or no harsh chemicals. Follow the instructions for using it to avoid damaging your couch.

You can also make your own conditioner for leather by mixing one part vinegar and two parts linseed oil. Spread the mixture over your sofa using a soft cloth, and then let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes. Next, buff the surface with a clean, dry cloth.

Make sure you apply leather conditioner and protector on your brand-new sofa. Also, clean it thoroughly before doing this step.

6. Keep your leather furniture away from sunlight.

Leather is a sensitive material that ultraviolet rays can easily damage. Constantly exposing your leather couch to sunlight can ruin its appearance and make it look old.

As such, avoid placing any leather furnishings in areas where they can be exposed to direct sunlight. Do not put them next to air conditioners or radiators since they generate heat that can damage them.

Give your leather furniture additional protection from sunlight by investing in blinds and heavy curtains for your windows.

Leather sofas are great investments for your home. You can enjoy their incredible appeal and functionality by following these care and maintenance tips.

Get in touch with us if you need help choosing ready-made and custom-made leather furniture.

Stain-proof your home

Our eco-friendly couch fabric protector is safe to be applied around family, kids, pets and allergy sufferers. protectME is an invisible and breathable coating that repels liquids, dirt and stains whilst still allowing items to look, feel and smell natural. Unlike traditional stain guards, formulated with highly toxic chemicals dangerous for human health and the environment.